All the creativity comes together in the many studios, theaters, sound stages, and venues throughout ZIPPER JUNCTION™. The Theatre & Arts Gear embodies all the facets from all the others within a form for all to enjoy as well as participate in.
The Theater Complex
It is imperative to build a strong theater and arts component into ZIPPER JUNCTION™. It is a proven fact that people who participate in the arts, whether it be graphic art, acting, singing, music, or any of the related fields, have a much higher success rate in all else that they endeavor to do. So, ZIPPER JUNCTION™ will house two state of the art live stage theaters.
The first theater is a one of a kind transformational space with a variable seating capacity depending upon the proposed use. This very unique space has the ability to literally be transformed into many different configurations based on the creative mind of the show developer, often referred to as a black box theater. This theater will house 2-3 different Broadway class shows a year and promises to give a totally different experience to the audience every time there is a new production.

The second stage theater is more conventional / traditional in design and has a combined seating capacity between the main floor and the balcony level of several thousand when fully utilized. This theater will have the potential to also put on Broadway Class shows, but remain accessible to both the weekend actor as well as the cost conscious spectator. It will also have the ability to have several shows in ready production at any given time allowing for various simultaneous users of the space, several High Schools, a Community theater Program, and a traveling production company for instance.
Full backstage and side stage facilities will be built into both theaters as well as full multilevel, adjustable orchestra pits. As a source of revenue for the facility, the main stages will also be booked for bigger name acts to draw participants to ZIPPER JUNCTION™ from farther away. Aside from the main stages (the more conventional of the two can double as a very oversized movie theater) there will be four auditoriums with full size theater motion picture screens and cinema quality sound systems. The intent of having movie theaters within ZIPPER JUNCTION™ is to have movies available at a reduced cost as well as show movies that may not have opportunity to air elsewhere, especially lower budget movies made by up and coming artists (possibly made right at the ZIPPER JUNCTION™ production facilities).
The Sound Stages & Recording Studio Complex

A little known fact about the beautiful mountains within which Wayne and Pike Counties are situated is the interest many movie production companies have in working here. Since the resurgence of the movie industry in New York City with the creation of studios in Queens several years ago, and now the overpowering of even those studios with the newly re-purposed Brooklyn Navy Yard Studios, there is renewed interest in sound stages and studio facilities for preproduction, production, and post production work on the East Coast.
ZIPPER JUNCTION™ intends to have state of the art facilities available to the film industry, as well as lower budget movie makers known as indie or independents, with support coming from all the in house shops and services ZIPPER JUNCTION™ has to offer. The marriage between the studios, the shops, and the in house arts programs will certainly be one of mutual benefit and unlike anything, anywhere. One large 100,000 square foot sound stage will be built with the ability to be divided into several configurations of 20,000 – 80,000 square foot smaller sound stages based on need, through movable partition members. The space will have full light and electrical grids supported by the roof structure and adjustable through hoists that will allow ultimate flexibility to movie companies using the space.
Located just outside the sound stages will be a large space that can be used for outdoor sets and construction if that is needed. Adjoining the soundstages will be a full complement of pre- and post-production facilities, recording studios, rehearsal spaces, green rooms, dressing rooms, and just about anything else necessary to carry on Hollywood level production of motion pictures or recording activities.