The ZIPPER JUNCTION Project™ is a very bold idea whose time has simply come.

What is The ZIPPER JUNCTION Project™ (the organization)?
Literally, The ZIPPER JUNCTION Project™ is a non-profit corporation formed within the State of Pennsylvania. The entity is a registered 501(c)(3) tax exempt entity with the IRS.
The following is the mission that drives us:
Creating and maintaining a sustainable space that fosters both experiences and participation in creative activities in order to spark passions while simultaneously providing the tools for individuals to turn those passions into a career path, thus creating a more engaged and satisfied community, ultimately leading to a better society.
The ZIPPER JUNCTION Project™ is based on:
- Creativity – The key to our being
- Ingenuity – Make do if you can as it always makes for a better end result
- Design – Always see it being better, never settle
- Usefulness – Must serve a purpose, even if the purpose is itself, on the surface, pointless
- Resourcefulness – Think TOTALLY outside the box…….in fact get rid of the box!
- Mutual Respect – For each other and for all things around us
- Individual Responsibility – Take it for all your actions
- Hard Work – Only the best efforts are to be put forth
- Vision – Have one and never be deterred
- Citizenship – Do your part for the greater good
- Ethics – In ALL things you do
- Inventiveness – Make it from nothing as ideas abound
- Meaning – Pointless actions are worthless (think about what is really pointless however)??
- Nostalgia – An important part of remembering where we come from
- Fun – Must be a part of all we do
- Dreams – Have them and make as many come true as possible
- Quality – In all things we do
- Persistence – NEVER give up…..EVER!!
We carry out our efforts through:
- Innovation – Come up with a better mouse trap….seriously
- Technology – Use it as much as you can and advance it too
- Community Building – We all thrive when we work together
- Education – In all its forms
- Theatre & Arts – Major influencer in the human condition
- Sports & Fitness – Without health NOTHING else matters
- Economic Development – Spur what could be and money will flow
- Sustainable Living – We must take care of our planet and environment
- Restoration – Keep what is old and make it new and useful again
- History – Learn from it, respect it, apply it positively
All these things work together as a way for individuals to find their passion.
The ZIPPER JUNCTION Project™ is made up of a very unique and diverse group of individuals who are driven by the common belief we can do better as a community through hands on experiences, project based learning, and physical activities. The compilation of people, potential, and facility are like none other and form the foundation for the pursuit of excellence in all manner of endeavor we focus on. Through very alternative thinking and groundbreaking programs, the methods employed use creativity as the common thread to bind together all participants who are part of this great experiment and in turn will result in stronger citizenship and a better society.
The Real question is not what is The ZIPPER JUNCTION Project™, but WHY?

Have you ever heard, or even said, “They really need to do something about that.” regarding anything from cleaning the side of the road to suggesting there should be more livable-wage jobs available. If you have, then you are starting to understand why we are doing this. It all boils down to bringing out the best in people so they can be truly passionate about their daily lives and work. If that were the case already we would not have 70%* of the population of the USA unhappy in their day to day activities in terms of earning a living. If we have the majority of people engaged in their true passion on a daily basis, most of the problems we have as a nation, would simply disappear. Although there are many people and organizations out there trying to do some form of this, none have attempted to do it in the way, scale, or by the vision that The ZIPPER JUNCTION Project™ will.
*Source: State of The American Workforce Report, Gallup, INC, 2013. Pg. 12
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